Job description

Garage Door Technician

Garage Door Technician job template

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Garage Door Technician job summary

We are looking for a motivated garage door technician to join our growing team. You will be responsible for installing residential and commercial garage doors and training others on how to do the same as a technician. Since our company offers service as well as new installations and remodels, technicians will travel to a variety of job sites, and each day will be unique. You will deal with customers on a daily basis throughout our service areas, so you need to be good at providing excellent customer service. The ideal applicant is skilled with power tools and familiar with the fundamentals of electrical wiring and connections. Please apply right away if you think this is a fantastic opportunity.


Columbus, OH
Garage Door Technician responsibilities
  • Attend appointments within the window that has been given to the client
  • Use software to take notes, create quotes, and send invoices
  • Provide a complete evaluation and precise diagnosis of any issues with the current system, after which present the customer with their options
  • Calculate installation openings and perform site inspections for larger jobs
  • Participate in company meetings and adhere to company procedures
Garage Door Technician qualifications
  • High school diploma or GED required
  • Must be able to use a measuring tape along with math and problem-solving skills
  • You must have excellent customer service skills for this position
  • Working knowledge of electrical wiring and connections
  • Comfortable with using power and hand tools
  • Must have great communication, listening, and teamwork skills
Garage Door Technician compensation

$51,286 (National Average)


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