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People Management

11 Stages of the Employee Life Cycle: Strategies for HR Teams

A strong team is key to a company’s long-term success. The cornerstone to driving successful employment is understanding the 11 stages of the employee life cycle and how each stage shapes an employee’s experience within a company.

Talent Acquisition

All About Hiring Seasonal Employees

Many businesses face seasonal spikes in demand that require increasing staff by hiring seasonal employees. Here’s how companies can find reliable, high-performing temporary employees to maintain productivity and customer service, even in their busiest seasons.

People Management

What Is an Employee Write-Up Form? 

An employee write-up form documents an instance of misconduct or rule violation in the workplace. In addition to recording the violation in the employee’s permanent file, these forms also spell out what workers need to improve and what can happen if improvements aren’t made. They differ slightly from warning notices, which are letters sent dire

Industry Insights

What Employers Need to Know About Negligent Hiring

Finding the perfect fit for your team is a challenging, but rewarding process. You’ll naturally want to get your top candidate started right away but don’t want to rush the process and skip out on important research and vetting. Taking the right hiring precautions can help businesses avoid negligent hiring claims and help you build a great team

Industry Insights

Quiet Quitting: How to Address It in the Workplace

Quiet quitting is a workplace phenomenon where employees only perform their basic job duties. This reflects a shift from “hustle culture,” with employees emphasizing a work-life balance and setting firm boundaries around work expectations. Yet, most employers think of quiet quitting as an obstacle that stands in the way of productivity. Address

People Management

How to Create a PTO Policy

Paid time off (PTO) is a highly valued benefit that attracts top talent, reduces burnout, and improves employee engagement. Creating the right PTO policy for your business requires careful consideration of your staffing needs, industry benchmarks, legal requirements and more. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to craf

People Management

How to Write an Employee Warning Notice

An employee warning notice allows workers to remedy performance or behavioral issues. Learn how to write a letter that gets the best results.

Career Advice

What is Constructive Discharge? 

All jobs have their unique stressors, but some employees deal with more than just “normal” work stress. If you’re experiencing an intolerable work environment and aren’t receiving internal support, you may feel like your only option is to quit. If you do, you could file a constructive discharge claim.

Career Advice

What Is Quiet Firing and How To Stop It

Quiet firing is a form of managerial neglect that slowly pushes employees out of their jobs. Here's how to spot potential issues and prevent them from negatively impacting your organization.

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