Job description

IT Support Specialist

IT Support Specialist job template

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IT Support Specialist job summary

We’re looking for an experienced IT support specialist to provide our team with top-notch assistance! You’ll make sure any technical issues are resolved efficiently so our operations run smoothly. This role is a great opportunity for a dynamic problem-solver who loves helping people and takes pride in providing high-quality support. If this sounds like an exciting opportunity, start your application today!


Columbus, OH
IT Support Specialist responsibilities
  • Troubleshoot technological issues and solve problems quickly to ensure our business operations run smoothly
  • Install all new technology for the company, including computer operating systems, software programs and applications, new desktops, and other computer hardware
  • Perform regular maintenance for our phone systems, computer systems, computers, printers, network systems, and any other technical equipment
  • Administer new user accounts, work email addresses, and access levels to new employees to ensure they have everything they need to work efficiently
  • Ensure our computers are backed up so all files are saved in case the system crashes
  • Run security checks on all of our systems to ensure we are protected from cybersecurity threats
IT Support Specialist qualifications
  • High school diploma required, associate's degree in computer science or information technology preferred
  • At least two years experience in a professional IT work environment
  • Familiarity with multiple computer operating systems, such as Windows, Mac, and Linux operations
  • General knowledge of troubleshooting Internet connectivity, phone systems, network systems, and other technological office equipment
  • Able to create databases and utilize Excel spreadsheets at an advanced level
  • Advanced proficiency in Microsoft Office
  • Strong communication skills, organizational skills, and time management skills
  • Excellent customer service skills and desire to help the company succeed
IT Support Specialist compensation

$54,447 (National Average)


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