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Interview Invitation Template

This interview invitation template can be used for any industry, position and applicant. Feel free to customize it to your needs.
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This interview invitation letter template can be used for any industry, position and applicant. Feel free to customize it to your needs. Hello, [ Name ] Thanks for your application to [company name]. We were impressed by your background and would like to invite you to interview [at our office / via Skype / via phone] to tell you a little more about the position and get to know you better. [Share details about the interview, including with whom they will be speaking and anything specific you would like candidates to know.] Please let me know which of the following times work for you, and I can send over a confirmation and details: -[Day, Time 1] -[Day, Time 2] -[Day, Time 3] Looking forward to meeting you, [Your name]  


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