Job description

Tax Professional

Tax Professional job template

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Tax Professional job summary

We are in need of an experienced tax professional to streamline our clients’ tax preparations. You’ll advise clients on tax optimization strategies and help them make smart financial decisions to maximize their long-term savings. Jobseekers should have great listening and customer service skills and the ability to convey complex tax information in an approachable way. If you’re a detail-oriented professional who enjoys helping people, we have a spot for you. Apply today!


Location, ST
Tax Professional responsibilities
  • Arrange meetings to discuss tax services and give price estimates
  • Inform customers about the process for submitting their income tax returns and be clear about the deadlines to ensure clients' taxes are filed on time
  • Analyze each client’s financial records, including their income statements and previous tax returns to calculate the amount of taxable income each client possesses
  • Utilize the appropriate credits and deductions the client is eligible for
  • Review each tax form to make sure everything is accurate and ensure tax compliance
  • Handle tax filings in an organized, secure manner to ensure each client’s privacy is protected
  • Communicate with tax authorities and submit the final tax return on the client’s behalf
  • Advise the client on tax planning steps they can take to ensure they fulfill all tax obligations and continue to pay the minimum amount of taxes in the future
Tax Professional qualifications
  • Bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance, or related field required
  • Registered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and has a valid Prepare Tax Identification Number (PTIN)
  • 5+ years of work experience in tax consulting at an accounting firm or consulting firm
  • Advanced ability to comprehend federal and state tax laws and can easily navigate tax code documents for both basic and atypical returns
  • Proficient computer skills and experience with Microsoft Excel
  • Experience using standard tax software to file returns
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal
Tax Professional compensation

$48,310 (National Average)


more quality candidates at 1/10 of the average cost per hire.

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