Job description

Financial Advisor

Financial Advisor job template

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Financial Advisor job summary

Are you an experienced financial advisor who thrives on providing excellent service to help your clients meet their financial goals? If so, we are looking for you! Our successful candidate will have a proven track record of long-term advisor relationships, a wealth of industry knowledge, great communications skills, and a meticulous eye for detail. If this sounds like you, apply today!


Columbus, OH
Financial Advisor responsibilities
  • Identify, seek, and establish prospects continuously and create strong relationships with new clients as their trusted advisor
  • Collect each client’s financial information to determine financial status, financial goals, cash flow, and financial expectations
  • Research and provide financial advice and strategies that are suitable based on client risk tolerance and financial objectives
  • Create customized financial plans suitable for each client based on potential life changes and changing financial needs
  • Help clients implement financial recommendations such as life insurance, savings plans, mutual funds, and other financial products
  • Provide exceptional customer service to existing clients; track and monitor communications in the client file, including strategies and financial advice given
Financial Advisor qualifications
  • Bachelor’s degree in business administration, finance, or related field is required
  • Valid professional license CPA, or CFP (Certified Financial Planner license from Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards) and FINRA Series 7 and 66, are required
  • Previous success in financial services as a financial planner, personal financial advisor, financial analyst, or financial consultant is needed
  • Up-to-date knowledge of the financial industry, financial products, best practices, and tax regulations is necessary
  • Exemplary communication skills, math skills, relationship skills, and customer service skills are vital
  • Computer proficiency including MS Office, Google Suite, CRM systems, and financial planning software is vital
Financial Advisor compensation

$68,432 + commission (National Average)


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