People Management

Welcome Email to New Employees (4 Ready-to-Use Templates)

Help your new hires feel prepared and excited for their first day with one of our comprehensive onboarding email templates. Each one streamlines communication and ensures a smooth transition into your organization. Get ready to copy and paste.

What Is a New Employee Welcome Email?

Beginning a new job is thrilling yet can also be overwhelming. Typically, the first step in integrating new hires is sending out a new employee welcome email to provide guidance and initiate the onboarding process.

Welcome emails provide practical information about your onboarding process, including start date, office location, work hours, parking instructions, main points of contact, IT setups, and a schedule of meetings or training sessions.

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How to Write a Professional New Employee Welcome Email

Writing a welcoming email for a new employee begins with a friendly subject line like “Welcome to [Company Name], [Employee’s Name].”

Within the email, express genuine enthusiasm about the person joining the team and provide essential details for their first day, like what to bring and where to go. Remember to share resources, including technical support for their office computer.

Lastly, whether it’s your first employee or your hundredth, the goal is to make your new hires feel valued and well-informed about their upcoming journey with your company.

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Different Types of New Hire Onboarding Emails 

These messages often vary based on your new employee’s role and work arrangement. Below are four different types of emails tailored to specific work situations. Each type addresses the employee’s circumstances, ensuring they feel welcomed, valued, and prepared to start their new job.

Full-Time In-Office Position

Detail what your new full-time employee should expect on their first day in the office, including workspace details, onsite orientation schedules, and introductions to fellow team members. Give them an outline of the initial tasks or projects they’ll start with and how these fit into the company’s larger objectives. 

Remote Team Member

Focus on integrating remote employees into the team virtually. Provide details about the company’s digital tools, virtual meeting schedules, and how they can reach tech support. Remember to highlight communication channels, such as Slack or Teams, and emphasize the importance of staying connected to maintain team cohesion. 

Newly Relocated Employee

This email acknowledges your new employee’s relocation effort and offers resources or assistance to help them settle into their new community. Mention any relocation benefits or support the company provides, and include information about the area. 

Wize Tip: Ask the team for their preferred local businesses, compile a list of favorites, and distribute it to newly relocated employees.

Interns and Contract Workers

Welcome your intern or contractor warmly and provide an overview of what they can expect during their contractual time with your company.

For interns, include learning objectives and mentorship opportunities.

For contract workers, ensure you take the time to review project plans and how their work will contribute to the company’s goals. Encourage them to ask questions and engage actively with teams.

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Why Employers Find Welcome Emails Useful

Welcome emails for new hires are invaluable for jumpstarting onboarding, offering an official welcome, sharing essential pre-start information, and creating a sense of belonging and excitement. Welcome emails also allow employers to:

  • Introduce the company culture and values, aligning new hires with organizational goals and expectations.
  • Establish expectations regarding workplace norms, such as core working hours, flex hours, and other policies.
  • Boost employee retention from day by making a positive first impression, leading to higher employee satisfaction. 
  • Streamline logistics around any necessary onboarding paperwork like payroll.

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New Hire Welcome Email Templates

According to Gallup, only 12% of U.S. employees say their company does a fair job of onboarding. These four ready-to-use email templates will help create better onboarding experiences. Wizehire Coaches thoughtfully designed these letters to address different types of new hires, including remote employees and interns.

1. Welcome Email to Full-Time In-Office Employees

Subject: Welcome to [Company Name], [Employee Name]!

Dear [Employee Name],

We welcome you to the [Company Name] team as our new [Job Title]. Your first day is set for [Start Date], and we have a full agenda planned to get you settled into your new role.

Upon your arrival at [Time] at our office located at [Office Address], you’ll be greeted by [Receptionist/HR Representative Name], who will guide you to your workspace. It will be fully equipped with [specific items, e.g., computer, phone, supplies], all set up for you to dive into your new role.

Your morning will include an on-site orientation session, during which you’ll learn about our company culture, policies, and the exciting journey ahead. This session is a great opportunity to ask questions and understand how your role contributes to our mission and objectives.

Post-orientation, we’ll introduce you to your team members and the rest of the [Department/Unit Name]. Lunch will be arranged with your immediate team, allowing you to get to know everyone in a more relaxed setting.

In the afternoon, you’ll start with an overview of the initial projects and tasks you’ll handle. [Direct Supervisor’s Name] will outline how these responsibilities align with our company’s larger goals and how your role is pivotal to our success.

Your skills and experiences make you a perfect fit for our team, and we’re eager to see your contributions. If you have any questions before your start date, please get in touch with me or [HR Contact Name].

Welcome aboard, [Employee Name]! We can’t wait for you to start and look forward to your first day with us.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Company Name]

[Contact Information]

2. Welcome Email for Remote Employees

Subject: Welcome to the [Company Name] crew, [Employee Name]!

Dear [Employee Name],

A warm welcome to you as the newest member of our [Company Name] team! We’re delighted to have you on board as our [Job Title], starting on [Start Date]. Though you’ll be joining us remotely, we’re committed to making you feel as connected and supported as if we’re all in the same office.

Your first day will begin with a virtual welcome meeting at [Time], hosted via [Video Conferencing Platform]. You’ll meet your manager, [Manager’s Name], and the rest of your team. You’ll receive a calendar invite shortly with all the necessary details to join the session.

We use digital tools to collaborate and stay connected, including [list of tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, etc.]. Our IT department will send you your login credentials for these platforms by [Date], along with guides on how to use them effectively.

Our regular virtual team meetings are scheduled for [Day and Time], which will be a great opportunity for you to share updates, ask questions, and align with the team’s goals and projects.

For technical assistance, our IT support team is just an email or call away at [Tech Support Contact Information]. They are here to help you with any setup issues or troubleshooting you might need to make your home office functional.

We believe in open communication and encourage you to reach out on [Preferred Communication Channel] if you have any questions or need support. Staying connected is key to our team’s cohesion and success, and we’re here to support you every step of the way!

We’re excited about the journey ahead.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Company Name]

[Contact Information]

3. Welcome Email to Newly Relocated Employees

Subject: Welcome to [City/Region Name] and [Company Name], [Employee Name]!

Dear [Employee Name],

Congratulations and welcome! We’re thrilled to have you join us as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. We know that relocating for a new job is a big life event, and we deeply appreciate your commitment to making this move. To support your transition, we want to ensure you feel at home in our company and in [City/Region Name].

First, please remember our relocation benefits, which include [list of benefits like moving expense reimbursement, temporary housing assistance, etc.]. If you need further assistance or have any questions about these benefits, please contact [HR Contact Name] at [HR Contact Email/Phone].

To help you get acquainted with your new surroundings, we’ve compiled a list of local favorites recommended by our team. From cozy cafés and local eateries to parks and essential services, this guide [attach guide or provide a link] is filled with suggestions to explore and enjoy in [City/Region Name]. We hope it helps you discover the charm of our community.

We also invite you to join our upcoming [Event or Social Gathering Name], a great opportunity to meet your coworkers in a relaxed setting. Details will follow soon, and we hope to see you there!

Again, welcome to [Company Name]. We’re excited about the expertise and energy you bring to our team and look forward to supporting you in this new chapter of your career and life in [City/Region Name].

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Company Name]

[Contact Information]

4.  Welcome Email for New Interns

Subject: Welcome to [Company Name], [Intern/Temp Employee Name]!

Dear [Intern/Temp Employee Name],

We are excited to welcome you to the [Company Name] team as our new [Job Title]! Your [internship/temporary] period, starting on [Start Date], promises to be full of learning, growth, and valuable experiences.

During your time with us, you’ll be involved in [brief description of projects/responsibilities], which play a crucial role in our broader mission to [company’s larger goals]. These projects are designed to contribute to our company’s success and enrich your skills and understanding of our industry.

You will be paired with [Mentor’s Name], who will serve as your mentor and go-to person for guidance and support. [He/She/They] will help you navigate your projects, set learning objectives, and get the most from your time at [Company Name].

Here’s what you can look forward to:

  • Hands-on experience with [specific tasks/projects]
  • Weekly check-ins with your mentor to address any questions
  • Opportunities to participate in team meetings and company events

We encourage you to ask questions, seek feedback, and fully engage in the process. Your fresh perspective and enthusiasm are valuable to us, and we’re excited to see the contributions you’ll make.

Welcome aboard, [Intern/Temp Employee Name]!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Company Name]

[Contact Information]

Wize Words

Writing a welcome email for new hires is more than just a formality; it’s the first chapter in their journey with your company. The message you send is a powerful tool that can transform initial nerves into excitement and anticipation. Remember, a thoughtful welcome sets the tone for their entire employee experience, so make it count with warmth, clarity, and inspiration.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should you send a welcome email to a new hire?

A new hire welcome email is typically sent after the candidate has accepted the job offer and before their first day of work. Ideally, the welcome email should be sent within one week of the job acceptance to maintain the momentum of the hiring process and to demonstrate the organization’s enthusiasm and readiness for their arrival. It sets a positive and welcoming tone for their onboarding experience, helping them integrate seamlessly into the team.

How do you introduce a new employee to the team?

Introduce your new employee to the company by sending an announcement message that tells current team members the new hire’s name, role, start date, and skillset. Here’s a tried and true template: “Hi [Company Name] Team, I’m thrilled to welcome [New Employee Name] to our team. [He/She/They] will be joining us as [Job Title], starting on [Start Date]. [He/She/They] have an impressive background in [brief overview of new employee’s background]. Please join me in welcoming [Name] and make [him/her/them] feel comfortable in [his/her/their] new role.”


  • Leighann Emo

    With a rich background in content development, Leighann creates engaging, educational articles that resonate with small and growing businesses. Her role involves ensuring the accuracy and quality of content and collaborating with other board members to assess the accuracy and compliance of content.

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Leighann Emo

With a rich background in content development, Leighann creates engaging, educational articles that resonate with small and growing businesses. Her role involves ensuring the accuracy and quality of content and collaborating with other board members to assess the accuracy and compliance of content.

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