Job description

Warehouse Manager

Warehouse Manager job template

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Warehouse Manager job summary

We’re looking for a warehouse manager to lead our team of warehouse employees and ensure the operations of our facility run smoothly. You’ll make sure that inventory is properly organized, orders are properly processed and free of damages, shipments go out on time, invoices are accurate, and customers are satisfied. Job seekers should have warehouse management experience and enjoy working on their feet. If this sounds like you, reach out to us today!


Columbus, OH
Warehouse Manager responsibilities
  • Oversee daily operations and warehouse activities to ensure the facility runs smoothly and customers are satisfied
  • Hire, train, and manage warehouse staff and create a work schedule that will maximize their work productivity
  • Manage distribution operations from the time stock arrives the in inventory to the time it leaves on scheduled shipments to ensure all orders are damage-free and processed properly
  • Adhere to all local, state and federal safety regulations and make sure all team members are well versed in safety requirements to reduce accidents and injuries
  • Serve as a communication liaison between company leadership, clients, vendors, and warehouse associates
Warehouse Manager qualifications
  • High school diploma or GED required, some college education preferred
  • Must have some work experience in warehousing or logistics as a warehouse supervisor, or manager leading a warehouse team, or in a related position in a similar work environment
  • Knowledge of state and federal safety regulations as they relate to the position
  • Leadership, decision-making, skills and communication skills are required in this role
Warehouse Manager compensation

$57,722 (National Average)


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