Dealership Service Manager

Dealership Service Manager DISC Chart

Job Summary

A car dealership service manager is responsible for supervising auto service technicians, mechanics, service advisors, car porters, and other automotive service department employees. They ensure positive profit margins for service and vehicle repairs, build and maintain customer relationships, and field customer complaints. They are typically employed on a full-time basis and may work evenings and weekends.

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Personality types of a Dealership Service Manager

Each letter of DISC represents polar personality types with correlating behaviors and characteristics. Learn more about their strengths and weaknesses, how they communicate, and more

high D - Problem Solver

Likes to take action

high I - Influencer

Likes being social

low S - Voyager

Likes new adventures

high C - Rule Follower

Likes following rules

Behavioral Qualities for a Dealership Service Manager

Behavioral qualities make people naturally act in a certain way. Utilize people's natural behaviors and strengths at work.
  • Assertive. Comfortable inserting opinion or thoughts.
  • Inspiring. Creates optimism in others.
  • Dynamic. Active agents of change.
  • Accurate. Insisting on quality and correctness.

Motivators for a Dealership Service Manager

Motivators are values that drive people. To retain passionate employees, place people in a role that utilizes their values
  • Economic: A utilitarian drive for results and maximal returns. To tend to the economic drive, reward them for meeting and exceeding specific goals and provide insight on how each project relates to the bottom line.
  • Political: A drive for authority, to take command. To tend to the political drive, give them opportunities to lead other members of the team and assert their authority when appropriate.
  • Regulatory: A drive to maintain order and the status quo. To tend to the regulatory drive, have a clear set of rules in place for them and others to follow.

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