Breakfast Attendant

Breakfast Attendant DISC Chart

Job Summary

A breakfast attendant works in a hotel and is responsible for the breakfast served to guests. Breakfast attendants oversee the setup and takedown of the breakfast buffet, as well as maintain the dining space, ensure food is available, accept payment, and provide any other guest services. They help with seating, delivering food and drinks to guests, manage the buffet, and clean tables in between guests. To guarantee that guests have a great breakfast experience, a breakfast attendant needs exceptional customer service and communication skills. A breakfast attendant’s shift begins early in the morning so that food is ready for service when breakfast begins. Experience in food service or a hospitality role is a plus.

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Personality types of a Breakfast Attendant

Each letter of DISC represents polar personality types with correlating behaviors and characteristics. Learn more about their strengths and weaknesses, how they communicate, and more

low D - Planner

Likes to plan before taking action

high I - Influencer

Likes to interact with people

high S - Stabilizer

Likes to have structure

low C - Innovator

Likes to be easygoing

Behavioral Qualities for a Breakfast Attendant

Behavioral qualities make people naturally act in a certain way. Utilize people's natural behaviors and strengths at work.
  • Methodical. Orderly and systematic.
  • Personable. Easy to get along with.
  • Consistent. Reliable and predictable.
  • Easy-going. Informal, not tense or strict.

Motivators for a Breakfast Attendant

Motivators are values that drive people. To retain passionate employees, place people in a role that utilizes their values
  • Aesthetic: A drive for harmony, balance, and peace. To tend to the aesthetic drive, give them tasks that allow for creativity and an opportunity to showcase their excellent organizational skills.
  • Altruistic: A caring drive to benefit and support others. To tend to the altruistic drive, give them opportunities to collaborate with their colleagues to create more efficient processes.
  • Regulatory: A drive to maintain order and the status quo. To tend to the regulatory drive, have clear expectations and procedures to follow.

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