Automotive General Manager

Automotive General Manager DISC Chart

Job Summary

An automotive general manager oversees all aspects of an automotive dealership’s daily operations, including staffing, procedures, operational budget, and sales monitoring. They establish employee protocols and work closely with the general sales manager to track the auto group’s progress toward unit sales goals, profitability, and other quotas. Auto general managers must be tactical while overseeing sales teams, inventory, and business operations. They devote significant time to planning, strategizing, and measuring car sales and processes. They determine future training needs of store managers, sales associates, and service department team members. An automotive general manager’s ultimate goal is to ensure customer satisfaction and smooth daily operations of the dealership.

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Personality types of a Automotive General Manager

Each letter of DISC represents polar personality types with correlating behaviors and characteristics. Learn more about their strengths and weaknesses, how they communicate, and more

high D - Problem Solver

Likes to have control or authority

high I - Influencer

Likes to interact with people

low S - Voyager

Likes trying new things

high C - Rule Follower

Likes to follow procedures

Behavioral Qualities for a Automotive General Manager

Behavioral qualities make people naturally act in a certain way. Utilize people's natural behaviors and strengths at work.
  • Determined. Willful in achieving objectives.
  • Inspiring. Creates optimism in others.
  • Dynamic. Active agents of change.
  • Organized. Structured and methodical.

Motivators for a Automotive General Manager

Motivators are values that drive people. To retain passionate employees, place people in a role that utilizes their values
  • Economic: A utilitarian drive for results and maximal returns. To tend to the economic drive, provide rewards for achieving and exceeding key performance goals.
  • Political: A drive for authority, to take command. To tend to the political drive, encourage them to show leadership and provide guidance to their colleagues.
  • Regulatory: A drive to maintain order and the status quo. To tend to the regulatory drive, have a clear set of rules and regulations in place for them to follow.

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