Hair Stylist

Hair Stylist DISC Chart

Job Summary

Hair Stylists specialize in crafting and tailoring hairstyles to individual clients desires. They possess a deep knowledge of various hair tools, products, and techniques, from cutting to coloring. Reading and understanding style trends and client requests is crucial, as is the ability to stand for extended periods and handle hair equipment safely. A professional demeanor, flexibility to work varied hours, including weekends, and the ability to collaborate with a team are essential. The state in which they operate requires hair stylists to have a license.

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Personality types of a Hair Stylist

low D - Planner

Likes to plan before taking action

high I - Influencer

Likes to interact with people

high S - Stabilizer

Likes consistency

low C - Innovator

Likes to be creative

Behavioral Qualities for a Hair Stylist

  • Methodical. Orderly and systematic.
  • Social/Outgoing. Extroverted and people oriented.
  • Consistent. Reliable and predictable.
  • Flexible. Open to different ways of trying things.

Motivators for a Hair Stylist

  • Aesthetic: A drive for harmony, balance, and peace. To tend to the aesthetic drive, give them tasks that allow creativity, such as directly solving a customer's problem or working with the customer to create a unique new look.
  • Altruistic: A caring drive to benefit and support others. To tend to the altruistic drive, reward them for going above and beyond for customers.
  • Regulatory: A drive to maintain order and the status quo. To tend to the regulatory drive, provide guidelines for them to follow and clear processes for helping customers.

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