Construction Field Assistant

Construction Field Assistant DISC Chart

Job Summary

A construction field assistant helps the construction manager and their staff with all aspects of a project and provides support to the team. They assist in product performance to produce the highest quality results. Responsibilities include coordinating various tasks, ensuring job-sites are clean, participating in forward planning, keeping a daily log of job site occurrences, finalizing and walking through buildings with clients, and meticulously following all safety guidelines. Construction field assistants work on construction job-sites.

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Personality types of a Construction Field Assistant

Each letter of DISC represents polar personality types with correlating behaviors and characteristics. Learn more about their strengths and weaknesses, how they communicate, and more

low D - Planner

Likes to plan before taking action

low I - Supporter

Likes to work independently

high S - Stabilizer

Likes consistency

high C - Rule Follower

Likes following rules

Behavioral Qualities for a Construction Field Assistant

Behavioral qualities make people naturally act in a certain way. Utilize people's natural behaviors and strengths at work.
  • Methodical. Orderly and systematic.
  • Reserved. Controlled and professional.
  • Structured. Organized and systematic.
  • Systematic. Creates/follows structured processes.

Motivators for a Construction Field Assistant

Motivators are values that drive people. To retain passionate employees, place people in a role that utilizes their values
  • Altruistic: A caring drive to benefit and support others. To tend to the altruistic drive, help them understand the contribution they bring to the team.
  • Regulatory: A drive to maintain order and the status quo. To tend to the regulatory drive, assign them tasks that follow a clear set of rules and procedures.
  • Theoretical: A drive to learn and gain new knowledge. To tend to the theoretical drive, provide them the opportunity to learn about the subject and enhance their skills.

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