Kris Morales

Automotive talent that drives results



Barker Mazda




Houma, LA


Car Dealership

The Challenge

Kris was stuck in an endless cycle of making hires that weren’t right for the job. He needed a larger pool of candidates to build a high-performing sales team.

He tried local ads and word of mouth, but it brought in a "mixed bag of results." Interviewing any candidate who did happen to apply was taking precious time away from running his business.
How We Helped
Not enough candidates were applying to Kris’ job posts
Kris spent hours interviewing every candidate who applied
Kris struggled to make a single sales or admin hire
With Wizehire
Wizehire coaches worked with Kris to optimize job posts and attract more talent
DISC+ assessment allowed Kris to focus on only the right candidates for the role
More qualified new hires increased sales by 17%
"I would recommend Wizehire if you are looking to fill your positions with the best of the best.

They will help you find qualified applicants and then filter them based on personality to find the best person for that role.”

Customer - Kris Morales

Kris Morales

Sales Manager, Barker Mazda

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