Accounting Manager

Accounting Manager DISC Chart

Job Summary

The accounting manager of a hotel is in charge of the budget, payroll, and overall finances. Hotel accountants are financial specialists with an excellent eye for detail, working in the hospitality industry. They are in charge of handling the audit function as part of the hotel's ongoing effort to provide exceptional guest service while remaining financially profitable. They reconcile general ledger accounts, investigate discrepancies, and resolve issues with problematic accounts. Additional tasks include controlling and tracking operational budget inventory, performing monthly payroll audits, and issuing paychecks. This position requires excellent organizational abilities as well as the capacity to manage numerous tasks. Prior hospitality experience is typically preferred.

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Personality types of a Accounting Manager

Each letter of DISC represents polar personality types with correlating behaviors and characteristics. Learn more about their strengths and weaknesses, how they communicate, and more

high D - Problem Solver

Likes to have control or authority

low I - Supporter

Likes to work alone

high S - Stabilizer

Likes to have structure

high C - Rule Follower

Likes following rules

Behavioral Qualities for a Accounting Manager

Behavioral qualities make people naturally act in a certain way. Utilize people's natural behaviors and strengths at work.
  • Task-oriented. Focused on the big objectives, rather than the humanistic side.
  • Constrained. Keeps emotions in check.
  • Consistent. Reliable and predictable.
  • Systematic. Creates/follows structured processes.

Motivators for a Accounting Manager

Motivators are values that drive people. To retain passionate employees, place people in a role that utilizes their values
  • Political: A drive for authority, to take command. To tend to the political drive, allow them to take charge of key initiatives and set proper protocol.
  • Regulatory: A drive to maintain order and the status quo. To tend to the regulatory drive, give them a clear set of rules to follow.
  • Theoretical: A drive to learn and gain new knowledge. To tend to the theoretical drive, provide ample opportunities for them to grow in their professional development and stay current on accounting standards.

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