
The world's leading job site for businesses of all sizes.


The world's leading job site for businesses of all sizes.


Indeed is the world’s leading job site, where more people find jobs than anywhere else, with over 300 million unique visitors each month searching for opportunities in more than 60 countries and 28 languages. Employers use Indeed to connect with millions of job seekers, streamlining their hiring processes through integration with tools like Wizehire. By syncing job and candidate data, recruiters save time, improve the candidate experience, and increase application completion rates by up to 5 times. With features like Indeed Apply, mobile optimization, and data-driven analytics, Indeed helps employers find the right hires faster and more efficiently. Did you know? Wizehire is an Indeed Platinum Partner. This means we can help you accelerate hire rates by 4.5x and attract top industry talent.

How it works

Good news! This integration is automatically enabled for all Wizehire customers.

Learn more

More information about the Indeed integration is available in our documentation.