Talent Acquisition

Rejection Letter Template

This sample rejection letter can be quickly customized to include why a candidate is no longer in the running for your open position.
Table of Contents
Rejection is never easy but when a candidate falls short of the qualifications or experience necessary, how you word it in a rejection letter is critical. It’s important to take two seconds and reach out and let a candidate know that you won’t be moving forward with them at this time. You can use this template and customize it to include information as to why they are no longer being considered for the position. General rules in writing a rejection letter include being direct and leaving them feeling good about your organization.   Hello, [ First Name ] Thank you for your interest in our company. While your application was competitive, our hiring team has decided to offer the position to a different candidate. [Offer specific, brief constructive feedback if applicable. Keep it positive, using language like “You might consider” or “It could be helpful to…”] We will keep your information on file in case another position presents itself for which you are more qualified. Best of luck in your job search and we hope to have the opportunity to consider you for a different role in the future. Regards, [Employer Name ]
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